esotericism, hermeticism, spirituality, shamanism

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Human Aura

Literally Aura is an "Atmosphere" of biomagnetic energy (prana, sekhm) around our body, emanating from our body and the chakras (Arats). It is believed to be formed by a kind of ion field. The aura also contains information about us, such as an Akasha mini-field.

The Greeks called him Pneuma, Sufists called Nama, Egyptians called Ka or Halaat.

Other names: Biocampus, Energy Matrix, Odoic Field, Energosome or Holochakra.

What are its functions?

The main function is to serve as the force field (protection) it emits yang active, repulsive energy to keep certain energies and entities at a distance and to "filter out" any unwanted energies that approach us. In addition the aura is also an informational field, it contains magnetically stored memories and images of all our lives, this energy field emanating from the etheric body and chakras is also called the holochakra, and contains the holomemories of our being.

Whenever we interact with another person, there is an energetic exchange between our auras. Sensitive, psychic people can see certain images in our aura, or feel vibrations (information) of our aura, which reflect our mood, our vibration as a person (positive or negative), our mood, etc.

The aura can also serve as an energy tool, when we act on matter (psychokinesis) is the aura energy that we project onto matter, when we decide to create a psychic shield or to project psy balls is the energy of the aura. that we designed.

When we emit energy to generate thought forms (egregores, tulpas, energy constructs, or astral weapons) it is the energy of the aura we use.

When we want to create energetic links with someone for remote remote influence, it is the energy of the aura that we apply.

The aura reacts to our thoughts and intent.

Basically in this text I wanted to address some of the properties of the human Aura ...

It could address methods of looking at the human aura, it could talk about gaps in the aura and energy debris, but it would be a much more complex and extensive text.


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