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  • Know the Universe and you'll know thyself, we are a microcosm reflex of the Macrocosm

Saturday, January 14, 2023




Another text that I published in the Portuguese magazine "Boa Estrela" (Great Star), which has a monthly circulation of 14,500 copies. This text was published in September 2022.

Various biblical passages that allude to reincarnation, Vedic passages, the Zohar, the concept of Samsara, Our Lady's message, spiritism, and reincarnation, among others.

«To be born, to die, to be reborn, and to progress indefinitely, such is the law». (Allan Kardec)

About half of the world's population believes in reincarnation (by religious belief).

Approximately 51% of Catholics claim to believe in reincarnation (statistics carried out in Brazil in 1991 by the Church of God of the Seventh Day).

Several spiritist doctrines defend the reincarnationist theory, including eastern ones such as Brahmanism (Brahma, masculine personification of the Absolute) or Hinduism, where the Vedas (Veda = knowledge) were divided into four parts, the second half of which were the Upanishad texts (compiled by the sage Vyasadeva), which mention reincarnation through a cycle of births and deaths, transmigrations.Samsara derives from the root Samsr (circular) or from the Sanskrit Samsâra (rotation), which is the ocean of births and deaths to which we are connected until we reach wisdom and liberation (moksha), when we are aware of the true divine essence.


- The Bhagavad-Gita, compiled between the 5th and 1st centuries B.C., includes a very illuminating passage:

"As the embodied soul continually passes in this body from childhood to youth and old age, so the soul passes into another body after death."

And there is a “song of immortality”, of which I will transcribe only a very enlightening part:

“[…] As one leaves the worn-out garments to wear new garments, so the soul leaves the worn-out body to put on new bodies, I have taken many births, and so have you, Arjuna, I know them all, but you do not know them.” [ ...]

- Another Eastern Brahmanist text:

“There is an immortal part of man, O Agni, which must warm with your rays and inflame with your fires; where did the soul come from? Some come to us and leave, others leave and come back”.


In classical Greece (580–496 BC), Pythagoras and Plato already referred to reincarnation, based on Eastern philosophies.

(“souls drink the waters of the river Leteo, the river of oblivion, before preparing for their next incarnation,” book: The Republic)


- The American Indians of the 18th century also believed that the soul traveled to a new body after death.

In the same century, the philosopher Kant believed that souls could transmigrate to another life that was more refined and suitable for intellectual functions; he argued that the corporeal matter of inhabitants of planets farther from the sun would be thinner and more elastic, (here on earth, we would be in the middle -term).

The German philosopher Leibinz believed that the most evolved spirits probably inhabited the stars of the firmament.

In ancient Egypt, as evidenced by a «Papyrus Anana» (1320 BC), it states:

«Man returns to life several times but does not remember his previous lives except in dreams.»

In the end, all these lives will be revealed to you.”

(Kardecian spiritism defends the same thing.)


The Christian religion denies reincarnation; however, centuries ago these scriptures spoke about it; they are antecedents, and Jesus was probably the reincarnation of Krishna, because Krishna (Christ_na, the Christ) appeared more than 5000 years ago! Jesus always said:

«No one can see the Kingdom of Heaven unless they are born again.» (John, III:3)


Jesus explained to Nicodemus (John III, /12) that it was necessary to be born again. Nicodemus, not understanding how a man could be born again, questioned:

“How can a man be born when he is old? Can he perhaps return to his mother's womb and be born a second time? “.

To which Christ replied:

“What is born of the flesh is flesh; what is born of the spirit is spirit.”


- In Matthew, chap. XVII, from 9 to 13, Jesus also explained Elijah's reincarnation:

«And as they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them:

“Tell no one the vision until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.”

And his disciples asked him, saying:

“Why, say the scribes, must Elijah come first? “

Jesus answers: “Indeed, Elijah will come first and will restore all things. Thus shall they also make the Son of Man suffer.”

(Then they understood that he had spoken to them about John the Baptist).


When Jesus was about to pass close to a man who had been blind since birth, the disciples asked:

“Master, who sinned for this man to be born blind, he or his parents?” (John 9: 1-2).

Now, if we think about it, how could the blind man have sinned before he was born? Only if he had sinned in a previous existence.

The Jews called reincarnation “resurrection”. The Christian religion says that Jesus already paid for our sins on the cross and that by dying, we are soon purified. Will be? So if on average we live about eighty years of life, this indicates that we were all born at the zero degree of evolution, we are all here for the first time, so how do you explain that some people are spiritually more advanced than others?

Why are we at different degrees of moral and spiritual evolution? As?


If we are all here for the first time and reincarnation doesn't exist, how come the doctrine of Krishna (more than 5000 years old) talks about reincarnation? And many other religions? Would everyone be delusional?

- Our Lady made a communication to Lucia when she was crying over the death of her brother Francisco, Our Lady said:

«Lucia! Lucia!... Before I call you to Paradise and before you leave your body, much later, Francisco will be born again, and he will see you and embrace you again. He will come with you to fulfill the last act of the prophecy I gave you at Fatima. He will be with the brother born again by the will of the Father. Don't be afraid of his death. He is not dead. He's in the real life. He has patience.»

-Then: he will be born again and will see you and embrace you again.


Several exponents of Christian theology believed in reincarnation, some of them being: Saint Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Saint Gregory Nasiazeno, and Pope Saint Gregory the Great.

Can we rest easy, live in mediocrity, knowing that we will be forgiven in the end, if Jesus has rescued us from all of our mistakes? What would be the use of doing good? If the greatest killers will also be purified at the moment of death, why should we try so hard to evolve?

And will this life be enough for us to improve ourselves 100%? Do not.

And, contrary to what Christians think, reincarnation is not a punishment; if they think so, they are also saying that this life is a punishment! Life is not just about tests and atonements, it is an opportunity to improve ourselves spiritually, to make friends, create family ties, learn, teach, laugh, and love; life and subsequent reincarnations are gifts from God! They are opportunities for improvement and conviviality.

Living is not a punishment, so is living again?

At least those who believe in reincarnation make a wonderful effort to improve themselves as quickly as possible, becoming better beings. They must certainly have a different posture from those who live unconcerned with their faults, believing that at the moment of death they will be “purified” and that everything will be taken care of.

Christians say that we came here for the first time (there is no reincarnation), which implies two unlikely things.


1- That new souls would be born at all times, and there would be more and more souls passing through the earth. So the souls from here went where--to heaven? Would they be pure enough after a few years of living here?


2- If we all start from scratch in this life, how can it be explained that some people are at another evolutionary level? Are there differences morally and spiritually between people? And why are some people less fortunate, hungry, sick, or disabled, while others are happy, wealthy, and vibrant? If God is just, he wouldn't create a world of inequalities, so he gave us the opportunity to reincarnate to be compensated and to redeem ourselves from our mistakes, all now for the first time. Why aren't we spiritually equal? Why do there exist enlightened beings or masters? How did they appear in other lives... If we see Buddhas, Krishnas, Dalai Lamas, and Sai Baba, among others, are they fortunate for God and we are not? Like, if we're all here for the first time, what makes them different from us?


The answer lies in reincarnation; what each one has is their spiritual baggage from past incarnations.

One does not evolve spiritually in one lifetime.

But in the year 553, at the Council of Constantinople, under the threats of the Emperor Justinian of ancient Rome, he decided never to accept reincarnation.


- The Christian religion says that the reincarnation thesis implies that there is no Hell; it says that certain souls are condemned to eternal fire. Sometimes this is criticized by spiritists because the Church gives the image of a severe and punitive God who does not give certain souls the opportunity to redeem themselves, but sometimes that is exactly what reincarnation provides: new opportunities to redeem ourselves from our mistakes, and spiritism never said that reincarnating was a punishment (the Catholic religion attributes such statements to spiritism).

Many religions follow the reincarnation thesis, such as Theosophy, Seicho-No-Ie, Buddhism, Brahmanism (Hinduism), Mazdeism (ancient Persian religion), Umbanda, Wicca, Shamanism, Kabbalah, Druidism, Judaism, Spiritism, Hare Krishna, and the Aztlan (Atlantes), the Hebrews, among others.

According to the Kabbalistic perspective, souls return (Gilgul process) and there is a verse from Ecclesiastes 1:4

«A generation goes and another generation comes, but the earth continues forever». The generation that comes will be the souls that return; in the book Zohar, this is explained.

-Judaism (appearing approximately 3760 years ago) says that souls who have not yet completed their work and still have mistakes to correct should return to improve themselves. Stating that most of our generation's souls are returnees, Rabbi David Weitman says that reincarnation is a reality.

The Rosicrucians also believe in reincarnation; in the solidification stage of the world (the Lemurian epoch), souls began to incorporate into physical bodies, and new souls were arriving on Earth, but the process ended in the Atlantean epoch, and then no more new souls came. Reincarnation would always be the cycle of souls only here on earth who were reincarnating; we have evolved over thousands of years in repeated rebirths, in different times and places.

If new souls arrived here on Earth now, they would start from nothing and not have the same spiritual evolution as us.

Some people argue that reincarnation is impossible because fewer people die than are born each time the world's population increases, so the number of souls dying and being reborn is not compatible. Now this is about egocentrismo; it is the thesis of those who think that our small planet is the only inhabited one in the Universe.

Jesus said: “There are many mansions in my Father's house”.

- I'll give you an example that I made: imagine I'm in a rice field with a pile of rice grains in my palm. Each grain symbolized a human soul; for each one I remove from the hand, I symbolize a soul that passes away. I place a new grain in the hand representing the same soul that returns, but in a new body. Thus, the number of grains would be cyclically the same, but only if there was rice solely and exclusively in my hand. In fact, there was other rice everywhere... Just as there are living souls, they exist throughout the Universe and not just on Earth... The number of souls to disincarnate and the number of births do not need to be exactly the same. Earth is not the only world where you reincarnate.

There are several inhabited worlds, and even on Earth, there are multiple dimensions; quantum physicists theorize that the universe is linked by sensitive superstrings, vibrations.

  Long before the Celts and Druids were the "physicists" of history, they saw the world as a three-dimensional web, and shamans (during the Paleolithic period) knew very well how the invisible world worked, how we are all interconnected to a network...

When my grandmother told me as a child that «heaven» was up there, I told her that it was easier for me to believe that it was close to us, between us, but without our seeing or touching it... Today, when I am more spiritualized and aware, I understand better how I felt at that time.


«If our hope in Christ is limited only to this life, we are the most unhappy of all men»

(I Corinthians, 15,19).

Sílvio Guerrinha . SpiritualMatrix


Friday, January 13, 2023

Vibration of the Crystals


Another text published in Portugal's "Boa Estrela" (Great Star) magazine.  March 2022.

The transmuting vibrational power of crystals has been known for thousands of years, since the time of the Atlanteans, Sumerians, and Egyptians.

This is common knowledge among esotericism enthusiasts.

Knowing how to use this energy for your benefit can define your well-being. I'll tell you about it.

Energizing water with crystals:

You can absorb extra energy if you leave quartz crystals in a glass of mineral water exposed to the sun for about three hours. Let the water cool to room temperature and then drink. You will see that you will feel much better.


Protection while you sleep:

When you sleep, your etheric double travels to the astral plane. Sometimes, we have less positive experiences in lower levels of the astral; nightmares are nothing more than memories of these experiences. Given this example, the reader will be aware that we need some extra protection.

You can try placing three quartz crystals under your bed, forming a triangle. The quartz at the top of the triangle will be facing your head, and the remaining two crystals at the base of the triangle will be at the foot of the bed.

Another detail: the tips of the crystals must be positioned toward the inside of the bed. Also, put an amethyst under your pillow.

It will help if, before falling asleep, you say a prayer. Forget the problems you experienced during the day, get rid of worries, and take a peaceful mind to sleep.


Protection in the Workplace:

You can use black tourmaline, tiger's eye, onyx, or any other crystal that is made to change heavy energies.

I usually use selenite, which in addition to having a pleasant translucent white color has high vibrations. A selenite pyramid is a beautiful and decorative piece (that no one will be surprised), place it on the table in the workplace.

Chakras Mandala:

Use the crystals to harmonize the main chakras and align the body's meridians and chakras, vitalizing and energizing your entire organism.

Lie down comfortably in a comfortable position, with your head facing north or east. Breathe deeply and slowly, relaxing your mind. Meditate for twenty minutes.

Use 2 cm crystals on each of the chakras listed below:

Basic chakra / Muladhara: It is located in the perineum area, between the anus and the sexual organ. Use onyx or black tourmaline (rolled).

Sexual Chakra / Svadhisthana: It is located in the area of the sexual organs. Use rhodonite, one crystal on each side of the groin fold (rolled).

Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura: Located just above the navel. Use two natural citrine crystals (rolled crystal) near the navel.

Heart Chakra / Anahata: It is located over the heart. Use two green (rolled) quartz crystals.

Throat/Vishuddha Chakra: Located on the neck. Use a sodalite or lapis lazuli crystal over the existing neck cavity (rolled).

Brow Chakra / Ajna, third-eye: Located in the center of the forehead. Use amethyst in the center of the forehead (rolled stone).

Crown chakra / Sahasrara: It is located above the head. Use white or diamond quartz, a crystal with the point pointing upwards, about 10 cm above the head.

To conclude, wear a white quartz crystal with the point facing outward in each hand.

Remain involved in this crystal mandala for about twenty minutes in meditation.


You can also visualize the color of the chakra, radiating in each zone, in order to awaken the energy. For example, visualize the color yellow in the area of the solar plexus chakra, blooming. Your thought is energy, and energy flows there...

There is also a chakra in the palm of each hand that is linked to the ab chakra.

And in the sole of each foot there is another chakra, connected to the chakra in the ventral area.

Crystals have extraordinary abilities to assist us in aligning and finding the necessary balance point to be healthy.

“Boa Estrela” nº 335, March 2022, pages 12 to 15




cybershamanism Silvio Guerrinha

Another text that I wrote to "Boa Estrela", a Portuguese magazine, from May 2022. The magazine has 14,500 copies per month.

In this texto, I will talk to you about cybershamanism, an uncommon name such as synchronicism or cybergnosticism, among other terms. You have certainly heard of shamanism (the magic and healing practices of our ancestors, still practiced today by some indigenous peoples).

The prefix “cyber” refers to the virtual and technological world; as people currently seek and share knowledge online, we can apply the prefix “cyber” to almost everything (cyber cult, cyber religion, cyber gnosis, cyber shamanism, etc.).

The cybershaman (adept of cybershamanism) uses the internet to expand and share knowledge about postmodern shamanism (or neo-shamanism), if we want to understand it that way. He sometimes resorts to technology, such as some software to meditate (binaural sounds, for example), visual elements to induce meditative states, NLP: Neurolinguistic Programming, among others.


Concept of cybershamanism

With the advancement of technology, information that was previously inaccessible is now easily accessible to all of us. Syncretisms arise between different esoteric strands, old expressions emerge with new modern terms, and everything adapts and progresses, challenging temporal concepts.

Cybershamanism progresses, evolves, and embraces new philosophies of thought such as the Theory of Simulationism (holographic universe, cosmoholography, and others).

I consider myself a cybershaman and I also like to synchronize various spiritual and magical concepts with quantum physics, for example, by correlating all things in a broader view. With my consciousness I seek knowledge in the Noosphere and add it to the cybersphere.

The cybershaman knows that by writing he shares knowledge and adds spiritual content in two worlds (in the Akasha, an ethereal informational field, through the thought-forms and energies emanating from his consciousness, and still in the cybernetic world that contains an ethereal counterpart, so to speak, where all internet users' minds are linked in resonance), consciousness is everywhere. When, in a few years, the sentient internet comes along, they will understand this aspect better.

Dear reader, formerly esoteric knowledge was accessible only to some magicians; it was difficult to have access to all books (some were forbidden). Today, with the internet, it is easy to have access to hidden knowledge (you just have to know how to look for it and separate useful information from less useful information). Anyone who has intuition and the gift of writing and sometimes channels messages spiritually is a type of mediumship, has this ever happened to you? But this is not always processed in the paper notebook. It often happens to the keyboard. The way he expresses his mediumship is the same, only the element changes.


Pay attention to synchronicities

The cybershaman does not exactly need a physical magical space (although he may have a temple, a hall or a forest where he practices rituals), but one of his main magical spaces is the internet.

The cybershaman knows how to create and propagate “spiritual memes” (or memeplexes) that are like visual ideas that propagate and live in everyone's minds (in a good way), whether on Facebook or Instagram. The reader has certainly already done this, sharing images with philosophical phrases (whether by Buddha, Osho or  Krishnamurti) is an example. However, some cybershamans create their own images and phrases. They have solid ideas and are not easily swayed by the ideas of others. No one will be able to superimpose their personal truth on that of the cybershaman, as the latter creates his own reality.

Knows how to ride the wave of probabilities and is aware of synchronicities.

When he has a déjavu, he is not surprised; he recognizes that he is reviewing something that he previously created with his mentalizations.


I say goodbye with some spiritual verses I wrote:



God, or the Divinity, doesn't want your faith; he wants your trust. It doesn't matter much what you believe; what matters is what you do and whether you respect the divine law and your fellow man. Divinity does not want us to see it as something outside of ourselves, but rather as part of an indivisible whole.

(Sílvio Guerrinha, 2017)


Inner alchemy

Inner alchemy is transmuting self-defeating thoughts and mentally rewriting them, converting them into positive thoughts that strengthen us, thus transmuting your vibration.

(Sílvio Guerrinha, 2017)



By accessing my Higher Self, I have access to all my parallel selves.

Past, presente, and future exist simultaneously; I am the sum of all my temporal parts.

I follow non-linearity; my essence is non-locality. When the Universe woke up, you also woke up, and existence emerged from the Quantum Void.

(Sílvio Guerrinha, 2018). Amazon


Tribes from the Stars


dogons, tribe from stars

Another text that I wrote to "Boa Estrela", a Portuguese magazine, from August 2022. The magazine has 14,500 copies per month.

Some remote tribes claim that they came from the stars, even before humanity was humanity (they were the first people to come to Earth).

Examples are the "Dogon" in the plateau region of Mali/West Africa, the "Surma" in Africa, and the "Uru" in South America.

The Dogon are the most mysterious their legends are known about beings coming from space called "Nommos" and they knew the star Sirius, which had a "sister" that orbited around it, Sirius B. In 1976, Robert Temple wrote a book entitled “The Sirius Mystery” and mentioned that the Dogon had knowledge about constellations, which only centuries later did modern astronomy confirm. How was it possible?

The existence of Sirius B can only be verified in fact by mathematical calculations performed by Friedrich Bessel in 1844.

The spiritual figure in the Dogon religion is a dual identity, the Nommo/Nummo, whom they refer to as the "Serpent". Its skin would be mostly green, but like the chameleon, it could change color. It was said that sometimes the Serpent would be all the colors of the rainbow. In other cases, the Nommos were referred to as "water spirits". In some engravings, they appear to have a "cape" and a hat that looks like a fish coming out of the water; this hat is identical to the one that the Catholic Church adopted as a papal miter. The Hopi Indians referred to them as "Kat'sinas" (katchinas), which are related to the Nommo.

The Dogons also believe they came from the stars.

Interestingly, the Egyptians, in their mythology, attributed the origin of many gods to Sirius, they called Sirius “Sopdet”


The Indian tribe of the "Toda".

Taurus constellation shamans.

High in the mountains of India, in the state of Tamil Nadu, live the "Toda". The fact that they are not local is obvious. The Toda differ even in physical appearance – they are taller, more robust, much thinner, and light-eyed people are often found in this tribe.


According to "Toda" legends, they can heal by touch, their short staffs are like magic wands, they have power over elephants and tigers, and they can even transform into these animals. These are not legends about some mysterious and distant people; these are the words of their neighbors, with whom they communicate closely.

Toda never steal, they are altruistic and not envious, they don't know weapons and don't like to kill - therefore they are vegetarians.

The Holy Tongue Toda; "kvorzha", is not associated with any of the earthly languages, ancient or modern. In general, it has not yet been deciphered. The results of biological research are also peculiar. There is only one very incomprehensible phrase that the formula of the blood of the "Todas" shows great differences from the universal one. What does this mean? Decide for yourself.

In general, science in this case is at an impasse, and a wide variety of hypotheses arise, up to the fact that the "Toda" tribe is from the sunken continent of Lemuria. As for the "Toda" people themselves, everything is crystal clear, and all their rituals and myths are connected with their ancestral home, the constellation of Taurus, and they believe that after death their souls return to this constellation.


The "Uru" of South America once told the ethnographer Jean Velard, who has studied them for years:

“We are very ancient, the oldest… We are the inhabitants of the lake, Suncat. We are not human!”

Their way of life is very peculiar; and there is greater resistance to the cold, and their language is not associated with any other. However, no genetic studies have been performed.

Some North American Indians, like the "Cree", also known as "Ininew", say that they came from the constellation of the Pleiades (the seven sisters), the spider in the sky, which they call "Pakone Kisik".

Some of these tribes live in Manitoba, a province located in the longitudinal center of Canada. They say that a woman from the stars, from another dimension, saw the planet Earth and descended from a "hole in the sky" and came here. This woman was Ataensic, Ataentsic, or Awehai (fertile land). There are several myths about her, but in one of the myths, she helped to create the sun, moon, and life on Earth.

She fell from the sky through a hole (a portal) and fell into the sea; without getting hurt, she created life and beings on this planet.

In a Navajo creation myth, the "Diné Bahane" (History of People), they say that beings came to inhabit this Planet and came from a hole in the sky. Hole in the sky reminds me of the wormhole/portal concept.

The Incas, for example, called the Pleiades "Collca", and it is believed to be the guardian of stored seeds. Many creation myths from indigenous cultures narrate that mankind originated from the Pleiades. Shamans live in contact with Pleiadian beings.

These tribes have a living memory of having come from space, which is reflected in their legends. However, I believe that we all come from the stars, but not all modern humans remember that.

Some more spiritual people have this feeling; they feel that their soul came from another world. These people are classified as "star people".

Star people is the recognition of our stellar origins, our modern version of ancient tribal legends, but the feeling and the truth are the same.


“I look at the sky at night, like someone looking into a mirror that reflects my past.                  

I marvel at the stars; I miss these old sisters, because although my body walks this earth, my soul is a child of the Universe.”

(Sílvio Guerrinha in “Esculturas do Pensamento”/ Amazon)


Egyptian Reiki, Seichm Skhm


egyptian reiki

I, Sílvio Guerrinha, collaborate monthly with texts for the Portuguese magazine "Boa Estrela" (Great Star). The magazine has a circulation of 14,500 copies.

I share a text from April 2022.

You've certainly heard of Reiki, an energy healing system initially created by Mikao Usui, Japanese.

I'm going to tell you about another system. Several civilizations had their own energy healing methods, whether it was the Atlanteans, Nordic shamans, Sumerians, or Egyptians, currently, there are still several variants (from energy healing based on Pleiadian extraterrestrial beings to Magnified Healing with the Ascended Masters, etc.). I'm going to talk to you about the Egyptian Seichem, or Sekhm reiki.

The universal energy is well known; each people or spiritual system calls it by a different name: prana in Hinduism, chi in the East, vril in Norse, and sekhm in Egyptian. This Sekhm energy is everywhere; in the universe, stars emit this energy (like our sun); I believe that quantum physics calls it quantum vacuum or zero-point energy. For the Egyptians, all deities had this power or energy. However, it was an energy more associated with the lion goddess Sekhmet, who, in addition to being a warrior goddess, was also associated with diseases and cures and was the patroness of healers and priests.

Energy is universal, and, regardless of the healing system, we can invoke it and, through visualization and intention, direct it toward a purpose, programming it for healing (whether in person or remotely).

Through these energy centres, flows also Sekhm energy.

We can absorb Sekhm through visualization, breathing, sunlight, or energy from certain locations.

I won't be able to synthesize everything in a short text, but I will talk to you about the chakras of the human body in the vision of ancient Kemet (Egypt). You can find out more in my book “Sekhm EnergyHealing”/ Amazon.

There are hundreds of small energy points and energy connections in our body, but the main and most well-known energy centers are seven. Generally, the Sanskrit terms became more popular. But in ancient Egypt, the chakras were called the “Seven souls of Ra” (Sefech Ba Ra) or Arats. They represent all levels of consciousness as well as the levels of the Ta, Duat, and Pet Realms.

«Sen-t» is the base chakra ("foundation", "support")

It is the basis of Sekhmet energy. It starts in the rectal area (at the base of the spine), the root chakra. It brings vitality to the physical body. In it resides the serpentine energy. Its function is survival, including personal security and basic physical needs.

Crystals that stimulate this chakra: Black tourmaline, red quartz, red jasper, onyx, and hematite.


«Khept-ti», sacral chakra ("abode of pleasure")

At the base between the groin and belly. It is located just below the navel, but its power is in the entire area of the genital region. It is associated with desire, emotions, vitality, self-esteem, pleasure, and relates to the creative power of sexual energy.

Crystals that stimulate you: Jasper, fire agate, garnet, coral, carnelian, and orange calcite.


«Hati» (“city of jewels”)

RA's solar plexus, belly area, is associated with digestion, emotions, metabolism, humor, authority, power, and personal transformation. Inner sun.

Crystals that Stimulate You: Yellow citrine, amber, imperial topaz, yellow calcite. Yellow crystals provide energy.


«Ab», heart chakra

Heart of Isis energizes the physical body and blood and provides unconditional love, compassion, balance, harmony, peace, and selfless love.

Crystals that Stimulate You: Green Calcite, Green Quartz, Green Tourmaline, Emerald, Malachite, Quartz, Jade. Green crystals promote health, balance, and safety.


«Ashas-t» (“the cleansing”)

Throat chakra, Tut's throat. Throat region, associated with communication, sound, vibration, creativity, knowledge, honesty, integration, strength of character, truth, and intuitions.

Crystals: Aquamarine, blue quartz, blue turquoise, blue topaz, chalcedony, and larimar. Blue crystals of light provide wisdom, insight, and peace.


«Aar-t» (“the command center”)

Forehead chakra: 3rd vision, Eye of Horus. It is associated with psychic vision, clairvoyance, remote viewing, and telepathy. Revitalizes the nervous system and vision, as well as providing devotion and imagination.

Crystals: Sodalite, azurite, lapis lazuli, kyanite, blue tourmaline. They provide clarity and help with meditation.


«Qemhu» - Crown chakra.

On top of the head is Osiris' crown. It is associated with higher energies and communication with the universe. Revitalizes the brain. Awakens consciousness to infinity. Through it, we receive divine light.

Crystals: White quartz, amethyst, colorless topaz, lilac mica, golden calcite, fluorite. Violet-tone crystals benefit transmutation and spirituality.



Egyptian visualization of the Sun:

To stimulate the chakras

Close your eyes and take a deep breath before beginning to meditate until you reach an "Alpha" state of total relaxation.


Imagine a bright sun above your head. From that sun, six rays of light descend.

The first ray enters through your forehead (Aar-t chakra) and illuminates your pineal and pituitary glands.

The second ray enters the throat chakra (Ashas-t) and illuminates the thyroid.

The third ray enters the heart, Ab heart chakra.

The fourth ray enters the chest (solar plexus, Hati chakra).

Then raise your arms and place your hands crossed, the left hand over the right shoulder and the right hand over the left shoulder, your arms crossed in the shape of an "X" (like the position of the pharaohs).

Imagine that the fifth and sixth rays of light enter each of your hands.

Now that the six rays illuminate your entire body, feel the light flow through your entire body, through your blood, your organs, nervous system, and up and down your spine.

With your arms still crossed, bring your hands down to chest level, hold the light within you, and feel revitalized.

Repeat to yourself: "I am a Being of Light".


Our dear pets also have chakras; here is a chart to see their areas and where you can lay hands on them for a few minutes to transfer energy.



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