esotericism, hermeticism, spirituality, shamanism

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Gnosis means knowledge (in Greek γνῶσις), the term gignósko means to know.
Gnosticism is very broad and complex so it cannot be described simply, it is a philosophical and religious current and comes from the time of Christian Gnosticism, almost a cosmic version of Christianity and a reinterpretation of its terms in a vision that syncretizes traditions and turns events and elements into symbols of occult significance. We can interpret gnosis as esoteric knowledge.

The origins of Gnosticism actually date back to times before Christianity itself, which flourished in Babylon, Egypt, Syria, and Greece.

Gnosticism was related to esoteric teachings of Greek and Hellenistic culture, leading its initiates on a course based on the knowledge of certain hidden truths about the universe, God, and man.

Today we have more modern movements like neoGnosticism or cyberGnosticism.

Gnosticism believed in the existence of a distinct creator god or Demiurge, which is an illusion and then emanation from the sole monad or source. This second god is a minor, inferior, or false god. 
This creator god is commonly referred to as the demiourgos. The most modern current movement (neoGnosticism) incorporates this concept of demiurge in theories such as simulationism, Matrix, holographic reality, Demiurge would be a "programmer" of this illusory reality (Matrix), the Matrix trilogy was also very inspired by Gnosis. There are still entities (observers, or fallen angels) that observe and control humanity, the Archonts.

One of the best known authors in Gnosticism, with over 60 published works, was Samael Aun Weor.

Each author defends his own version of neoGnosticism, so there are different descriptions. I interpret neoGnosticism not only as a modern revival of Gnosis (from the 19th century, with authors such as Aleister Crowley, Samael Weor) but also as the syncretism between New Age esotericism and gnosis allied with new technologies.

On the Internet millions of people share knowledge, absorb knowledge and educate themselves, just as cyberxamanism is cyberGnosis and neoGnosis. Another frequently used term is tecnoGnosis.

Being the term Techgnosis coined by Erik Davis in 1994 in an article and as the title of a book of his "Techgnosis-Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information".

Some beliefs in Gnosticism:

Jesus, divine messenger, in his life course would have learned esoteric knowledge from the Essenes, was also initiated into esoteric knowledge in Egypt.

The world is not what it seems, that evil may be hidden in it; there is a veil of illusion that obscures him and the demented god (demiurge). At this point it resembles Hinduism which refers to Maya as illusion.
There is another divine kingdom better than this, and all our efforts must be directed toward returning to it by bringing it here.

The human being is a compound: the outer aspect is the work of inferior creatures, while the inner aspect is that of the particle of light that has fallen from the original divine unity.

The Vatican (which is believed to be the official and unique church of Christianity) strongly criticizes Gnosticism, obviously because if people acquire knowledge and spiritual independence they stop looking for the church (there is a loss of revenue and faithful).

That is why they never recognized the apocryphal gospels (Gnostic texts written before Christianity, some anonymous). The term apocryphal derives from the Greek ἀπόκρυφα (hidden things). The Nag Hammadi codices are well known, they are a collection of twelve papyrus codices discovered in 1945 in Egypt near the village of Quenoboskion, 10 km from Nag Hammadi. They are currently preserved in the Cairo Coptic Museum.

An individual who knows his own divine essence, who communicates internally with his higher self and divinity, becomes his own light, not easily controlled by a religion, this is what religions fear.

Sílvio Guerrinha

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