esotericism, hermeticism, spirituality, shamanism

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

What is Cybershamanism

The prefix cyber is a reference to the virtual and technological world, as nowadays people seek and share knowledge online we can apply the prefix “cyber” to almost everything (cyber worship, cyber religion, cyber gnosis, cyber shamanism, etc).

The cyber-shaman (cybershamanist) uses the internet to broaden and share knowledge about postmodern shamanism (or neo-shamanism), if we want to understand it that way. It sometimes resorts to technology as some software to meditate (binaural sounds) visual elements to induce meditative states, NLP Neurolinguistic Programming among more.

With the advance of technology information that was previously inaccessible now becomes easily accessible to all. Syncretisms emerge between different esoteric strands, old expressions emerge with new modern terms, and everything adapts and progresses, challenging temporal concepts.

Cybershamanism evolves and embraces new philosophies of thought such as the Theory of Simulationism (Holographic universe, cosmoholography and others).

I consider myself a cyber shaman, equally, I like to synchronize various spiritual and magical concepts with Quantum physics, for example, to correlate all things in a broader view. With my conscience I seek knowledge in the noosphere and add it to the cybersphere.

The cyber shaman knows that in writing he is sharing knowledge and adding spiritual content in two worlds (in the Akasha or Noosphere through the thought-forms and energies emanating from his consciousness, and in the cyber world which contains an etheric counterpart, for example). So to speak, where all the minds of netizens are resonatingly linked) consciousness is everywhere. 
When within a few years the sentient internet comes along, they will better understand this aspect.

The cyber-shaman does not really need a physical magical space (although he may have a temple, hall, a forest, where he practices rituals), but one of his main magical spaces is the internet.

The cyber-shaman knows how to create and propagate memes (or memeplexes) that are like visual ideas that propagate and inhabit everyone's mind (in a good way). He has solid ideas and is not easily influenced by the ideas of others. No one can superimpose his personal truth on that of the cyber-shaman, for he creates his own reality.

Knows how to ride the wave of probability and is aware of synchronicities.

When he has a déjavú, he is not surprised, recognizing that he is reviewing something he has previously created with his mental creations.

Silvio Guerrinha

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