esotericism, hermeticism, spirituality, shamanism

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Introduction to Spiritism

When I was 17 I met Allan Kardec's coded Spiritism, reading "The Spirits' Book" I liked it because it clarified several issues.

I read later "The Mediums' Book" by Allan Kardec, I recommend, because it is very good, if you want to know a little more about the Spiritist doctrine you can read "Heaven and Hell" or: "What is Spiritism" (Allan Kardec).

Modern Spiritism, also known as Kardecism or Kardecist Spiritism is a philosophical and spiritual doctrine codified by the French Léon Denizard Rivail in mid-1857, better known by the pseudonym Allan Kardec.

Initially (in 1855) he attended spiritist sessions (phenomena of talking tables, floating tables), incorporation and mediumship. He later published works entitled "Spiritist Codification" where he mentioned his research, and received instructions (messages) from a guiding spirit.

Spiritism became a little more intellectual, ie, the study of phenomena, with its own and more scientific terminology, lectures and clarification of various issues, while the oldest and most spiritual spiritism (Umbanda, Candomblé, Shamanism) It is dedicated to the more ritual practice and incorporation of energies and entities, at least that is my understanding.

According to the International Spiritist Council, spiritism is represented in 36 countries around the world, being more widespread in Brazil, where it has about 3.8 million fans, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). , and over 30 million supporters.

Similarly to syncretism in Umbanda (associating Orixás with Catholic saints) Spiritism to be better understood or accepted, incorporated teachings of Christianity, spread many messages of Jesus, advocate monotheism, among other things.

But they also adopt Buddhist concepts (reincarnation, chakras, aura, karma).

And there is little resemblance to Reiki in that they do magnetic passes and fluid therapy, although the processes may be different (spiritual guiding entities sending energy through the medium, or similar processes) is energy healing.

What I have known about Spiritist doctrine (in a federated center, it is worth stressing) is that it clarifies many issues, helps us improve as a human being and better understand our medianimic faculties, promotes humility (they say we all have mediumship and no one is special, or better than anyone else, because he is a medium).

They do not judge, I was always free to come when I wanted to, or to go months without showing up, for example, no one forced me to go (as certain churches do) nor did they judge me if I enjoyed reading esoteric books or other teachings.

These were some of the good points I highlight.

I also like to read about spiritualism or esoteric spiritism, including the one that promotes spiritual channels of Ramatis, Kryon, Bashar, beings of the intergalactic confederacy, Ascended Masters (Theosophy, Hermeticism) among others.

Whatever serves to lift our spirits is good.

This was not a very long introduction, there would be much more to say, but the aim was to make known only a little of Spiritism.

I share some phrases from "The Spirits' Book":

«Do not worry about the opposition; Whatever you do against you will be in your favor, and your greatest adversaries will unwittingly serve your cause.”

"Leaving the future life to be veiled by doubt, man will better understand that through the present he is prepared to prepare the future."

“Free will is the ability to choose to make decisions of one's own accord. “Because you have the freedom to think, you have to act. Without free will man would be a machine »

«Where can you find proof of God's existence? In an axiom that you apply to your sciences: there is no effect without cause. Seek the cause of all that is not the work of man, and your reason will answer you. »

"The wise, to be happy, look below and never above, except to lift their souls to infinity."

Sílvio Guerrinha

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