esotericism, hermeticism, spirituality, shamanism

Friday, January 13, 2023

Vibration of the Crystals


Another text published in Portugal's "Boa Estrela" (Great Star) magazine.  March 2022.

The transmuting vibrational power of crystals has been known for thousands of years, since the time of the Atlanteans, Sumerians, and Egyptians.

This is common knowledge among esotericism enthusiasts.

Knowing how to use this energy for your benefit can define your well-being. I'll tell you about it.

Energizing water with crystals:

You can absorb extra energy if you leave quartz crystals in a glass of mineral water exposed to the sun for about three hours. Let the water cool to room temperature and then drink. You will see that you will feel much better.


Protection while you sleep:

When you sleep, your etheric double travels to the astral plane. Sometimes, we have less positive experiences in lower levels of the astral; nightmares are nothing more than memories of these experiences. Given this example, the reader will be aware that we need some extra protection.

You can try placing three quartz crystals under your bed, forming a triangle. The quartz at the top of the triangle will be facing your head, and the remaining two crystals at the base of the triangle will be at the foot of the bed.

Another detail: the tips of the crystals must be positioned toward the inside of the bed. Also, put an amethyst under your pillow.

It will help if, before falling asleep, you say a prayer. Forget the problems you experienced during the day, get rid of worries, and take a peaceful mind to sleep.


Protection in the Workplace:

You can use black tourmaline, tiger's eye, onyx, or any other crystal that is made to change heavy energies.

I usually use selenite, which in addition to having a pleasant translucent white color has high vibrations. A selenite pyramid is a beautiful and decorative piece (that no one will be surprised), place it on the table in the workplace.

Chakras Mandala:

Use the crystals to harmonize the main chakras and align the body's meridians and chakras, vitalizing and energizing your entire organism.

Lie down comfortably in a comfortable position, with your head facing north or east. Breathe deeply and slowly, relaxing your mind. Meditate for twenty minutes.

Use 2 cm crystals on each of the chakras listed below:

Basic chakra / Muladhara: It is located in the perineum area, between the anus and the sexual organ. Use onyx or black tourmaline (rolled).

Sexual Chakra / Svadhisthana: It is located in the area of the sexual organs. Use rhodonite, one crystal on each side of the groin fold (rolled).

Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura: Located just above the navel. Use two natural citrine crystals (rolled crystal) near the navel.

Heart Chakra / Anahata: It is located over the heart. Use two green (rolled) quartz crystals.

Throat/Vishuddha Chakra: Located on the neck. Use a sodalite or lapis lazuli crystal over the existing neck cavity (rolled).

Brow Chakra / Ajna, third-eye: Located in the center of the forehead. Use amethyst in the center of the forehead (rolled stone).

Crown chakra / Sahasrara: It is located above the head. Use white or diamond quartz, a crystal with the point pointing upwards, about 10 cm above the head.

To conclude, wear a white quartz crystal with the point facing outward in each hand.

Remain involved in this crystal mandala for about twenty minutes in meditation.


You can also visualize the color of the chakra, radiating in each zone, in order to awaken the energy. For example, visualize the color yellow in the area of the solar plexus chakra, blooming. Your thought is energy, and energy flows there...

There is also a chakra in the palm of each hand that is linked to the ab chakra.

And in the sole of each foot there is another chakra, connected to the chakra in the ventral area.

Crystals have extraordinary abilities to assist us in aligning and finding the necessary balance point to be healthy.

“Boa Estrela” nº 335, March 2022, pages 12 to 15


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