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Thursday, October 20, 2022

The brain does Quantum computing


brain quantum computing

Scientists prove the brain does quantum computing. 

Incredible, something we suspected some time ago now has scientific evidence. Irish scientists think they have shown that the human brain works at the particle and quasiparticle level by using quantum phenomena.

Christian Kerskens and David Pérez of Trinity College Dublin found inspiration in studies and equations in quantum gravity theory. When studying quantum gravity, they embedded natural sensors in two diamonds, known as "nitrogen vacancies," which are also used as qubits for quantum computers. 

A vacancy arises when a carbon atom in the diamond is replaced by a nitrogen atom, which requires an extra electron. It is this electron that works as a quantum sensor by being in a spin-up and spin-down superposition. So instead of an extra electron, they used the same tools and methods to study the human brain. 

"For our experiments, we used 'brain water' proton spins as the known system. "Brain water" naturally accumulates as fluid in our brains and the spins of the protons [hydrogen nuclei] can be measured using imaging by So, using a specific MRI design to look for entangled spins, we discovered MRI signals that resemble the evoked potentials of the heartbeat, a form of EEG [electroencephalography] signals," the researcher details. 

Electrophysiological potentials, such as the evoked potentials of heartbeats, are not normally detectable with MRI, leading the two physicists to believe that they could only observe them because the nuclear proton spins in the brain were entangled.

"If entanglement is the only possible explanation here, it would mean that brain processes must have interacted with the nuclear spins, mediating the entanglement between the nuclear spins. As a result, we can deduce that these brain functions must be quantum. 

"As these brain functions have also been correlated with short-term memory performance and consciousness, it is likely that these quantum processes are an important part of our cognitive and conscious brain functions," Kerskens said.

In addition to the Irish scientists, there is also the American project "QuBrain" (Quantum Brain Project), led by Professor Matthew Fisher, from the University of California at Santa Barbara, USA. The project had an investment of millions.


Article: Experimental indications of non-classical brain functions

Authors: Christian Matthias Kerskens, David López Pérez

Magazine: Journal of Physics Communications

Visit our site: Spiritual Matrix


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Ouroboros is real


Surely anyone who reads about alchemy and esotericism recognizes an image of the serpent or a dragon biting its own tail, the "Ouroboros", right? The circle (eternity) symbolizes something that has no beginning or end, self-fertilization. renovation, among other things. In ancient Egypt, this symbol was used. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, there are images of a serpent related to the creator god Aten that rose from the waters of creation. It was believed that the snake renewed itself every morning and held its tail in its mouth, which could symbolize the unified Ra-Osiris.

Did you know that this being really exists? It is a small species of lizard, "Armadillo lizard" or "Armadillo lizard", whose scientific name is Ouroborus cataphractus, when it feels threatened, it puts its own tail in its mouth and stays in a circular position, to adopt a defensive posture, its beaks on its back. and tails are like armor. The species is endemic to desert areas along the west coast of South Africa. They can reach 20 cm in size. They live in small groups and hibernate during the winter.



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